Wednesday, January 29, 2025

January 29, 2025...What Did You Miss?

 Hello again, my dear friends,

Checking out my post for the month, I've missed some crafty items I made.  I want to share these today before the month is over. I will be busy the next two days of January and will not post again until February. 

Take a look at some of the items I made for your view.  Yes, I still make cards for the "Cards For Soldiers Program" and "Cards For Kindness".  Some people want me to make specific cards for them.   I'm not interested in getting involved with that.  What about you?

Take a look:

You will see this card on

A fun card for Valentine's Day

Love doing something funny for Friday

I am trying to get into jewelry making.   My granddaughter inspired me.

Thanks for your time,

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

"Almost Valentine's Day"

 Hello My Friends,

Here is another card I made for you to view. But first, answer this question: How many of you played with paper dolls while growing up? I never did. I had real dolls to play with, and only until I got into crafting did I pick up playing with paper dolls. I have stamps with dolls on them now from Julie Nutting. The one I'm using today is called "Audrey." I gave her a haircut and dressed her up using some pretty paper from "Stamperia".

We've had snow and the remainder of this week will feel like Spring time.  How is the weather in your part of the world?

What is the latest trend in scrapbooking or cardmaking? I keep doing the same layouts or card designs over and over, and I need new ideas or methods to keep my momentum going. Do you have any suggestions?

Here is the card for today along with sharing it on

I hope you enjoy this view.
Sending Love,

Friday, January 24, 2025

Five Cards to Share

 January 24, 2025

Hello, everyone. I hope all is well with you. Some of us are dealing with snow and temperatures in the teens.  I've had Physical Therapy appointments twice this week, which is going great.  I'm anticipating the future outcome of removing this Aircast boot and putting on a regular shoe.  The process will take some time and I'm not rushing it.  

In the meantime, I have enjoyed the time I can spend on my foot crafting and doing other things I did before my accident.  

Here are a few cards I made since my last entry:

I will send this card over to
Enjoy yourselves.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

It's A Brand-New Year

 Hello friends, followers, family and on-lookers,

Happy, happy new year to you.

2025 will be better than your past.  It is new beginnings, leaving the old, tired-out ways, people, and things so far behind us.   

This will be a year of great things because it has already started that way. I fractured my right ankle in November. I've been hopping around and having to elevate my injured foot for almost two months. January has improved my ability to temporarily place my injured foot on the floor. That's progress. Persistent prayer and continued patience played a major part in waiting for God to answer, and he did.

 This is my first card for this year and I'm hoping many more projects will happen.

Take a look and enjoy the view:

Let's walk in the light as we continue in 2025.  

Blessings to you,



Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Necklaces Anyone?

 Hello Crafty Friends

I have an update on some things I have been making lately. Yes, I'm still into greeting cards but I have something new for you.   Do you like to adorn your neck and arm with pretty, gorgeous beads? Well, this is an addition to my crafty space.  Beads, beads, and more beads.  If you would like to purchase a necklace, then check out my prices or go to  Here are examples of a few of my handmade products for your view.  I will add more or subtract each week according to what has been sold.  Each necklace is 18" long. Only one of a kind for each.  The majority of the necklaces are made with Krobo beads.  The price for each is $20.00 + shipping cost.  I cannot ship outside of the United States at this time.  Check these out and contact me if you're interested in purchasing.  I'm accepting PayPal only at this time.

Contact me via email:  or

I would love to do business with you.

A  only 1

B only  1

C only 1

D only 1

E only 1

F only  1

G only 1

H only 1

I only 1

J only one

Thank you in advance,

Lois (the LilArtsyWoman