Tuesday, July 29, 2014

A Different Kind of Christmas "N" July

Hello Everyone.
All is well!
I'm still working on house upgrade.  Yesterday, the hallway was stripped of wallpaper and today, the walls were washed down again to make sure all the glue was gone.  Now, I have to begin thinking about paint colors.  I have some ideas but will have to have my husband to agree or make a suggestion.
Last week HSN (television, home shopping network)  had craft supplies and craft people on the show for 24 hours.  I watched some of the show but not all.  I became interested in some of their bargains for the day and here is my Christmas "N" July gift to myself:

I can't wait to get back to playing with paper and glue.  Maybe tomorrow.  I don't know.
Thanks for reading.  Have a good day.


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