Thursday, July 17, 2014

Throw Back Thursday

Hello Everyone,
        I hope you are having a great day and all is going well with you. 
        Yesterday, I got my eyes examined.  I did not post because after getting my eyes dilated, the brightness was causing me to have some difficulty focusing.  I could not see that well  to use the computer.
        Today, I had an appointment with my podiatrist.  I get a pedicure from her instead of going to the nail salon.
       Thinking about my last two days with medical appointments, I want to encourage you to keep your body healthy and  get things checked out.  So many people are refusing to get body parts checked out these days or they wait until it is too late. 

       Here are three cards I want to share.  They were made a while back before I started this blog.  This is the reason I called today, "throw back Thursday". 
The message from these three is: I'm thinking of you and asking God to bless you so that you may continue to celebrate birthdays!
Card # 2
Card #3
May God continue to show you favor as you continue to share in my love!
Have a Blessed Day.

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