Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tags and Christmas Cards

Hello My Friends,
Today is a good day to be blessed.  I am another year older today (Happy Birthday to me)!
Health is good.  My family is doing okay.  The circle has not been broken.  It is just good to continue in the service of the LORD!
Continuing with the Christmas cards, I have made three more since Saturday.  I also made two tags.  I'm trying to learn how to do mix media with the distressing and tearing of paper along with other things.  I'm not where Tim Holtz  is but I'm learning.
Enjoy the view:


Karen Letchworth said...

WOW, Lois! When you make cards, you are fooling around. You get BUSY! You are so talented and I always enjoy seeing your creativity at work. Thanks SO MUCH for sharing your amazing God-given talents with us. I'm blessed to have you play along, and I hope that you enjoy our fellowship as well. Have a blessed week and thanks again for taking the time to play along in our challenges. It's really appreciated.
Word Art Wednesday

LilArtsyWoman said...

Thanks Karen!