Friday, December 5, 2014

God Has Spoken

Hello My Friends,
I'm a Sunday School Teacher along with many other titles. So, while  preparing for our lesson for Sunday, "Worship Christ's Majesty", I made this card from one of many thoughts that was on my mind. Our lesson comes form Hebrews 1:1-9.  The first four verses deals with God speaking and the last five verses deals with  Christ being better than the angels.
We grow weary in our faith sometimes and may think that God is not going to keep his promise of never leaving or forsaking us.  Through the beautiful person and work of Christ, our dark days will see the light at the end of the tunnel.  There are brighter days ahead. God has spoken and His words are true.
Here is a card from my thoughts today:

Have a great weekend.  Continue to shop and have fun. Thanks for viewing!


TLady said...

Hi Lois! THANKS for coming over to visit! :D Your card is BEAUTIFUL! Did you use an ODB stamp or is it computer generated/digi stamp? A sentiment we ALL need to remember! MANY BLESSINGS TO YOU!!!!!!!! :D

Treva said...

Beautiful card, thanks for reminding us about a great lesson; like the flowers. What size do you usually make your cards?

LilArtsyWoman said...

Treva, I cut my cardstock at 6" by 4 1/2". If I'm making something for a child, then I do the traditional 5" by 4 1/4". Thanks for asking

LilArtsyWoman said...

Yes, it is from ODB. Thanks for asking