Are you looking forward to this weekend? Do you have plans for Resurrection Sunday? Are you on vacation next week with your children while they are out of school?
Spring Break!!! I remember looking forward to this time of the year when I worked in the classroom. I knew that once we came back off of that vacation it was all down hill until school closed. Do I miss those days....what do you think?
Are you having problems whether big or small in your life?
I've had some problems in the past as well as some that happened this week. Some things were easy to solve...some too big for me. The small problems (computer crashing) were handled by myself and a computer expert. Those that required a miracle were/are being handled by God.
Someone wanted to know "How does one put a problem in God’s hands and not steal it right back, more often than not, unintentionally?" Think about this! Do you put it in God's hands and then steal it back? After all, this isn’t your problem any more; it is God’s—so stay out of God’s business and mind your own business. Once it is in His hands, it belongs to Him and not you anymore.
Here is a card reflecting my question for today:
Enabler's List:
Neenah white cardstock; black Recollection cardstock; Designer Paper from Colorbok, Delilah; Ranger watercolor paper
pink watercolor
stamp: Stampology fancy flourishes
Martha Stewart butterflies and Recollection faux gems

Everybody cannot handle your problems. Decide whose hands should be holding your problems and leave them there. Don't steal them back!
Thanks for your time and comments. Have a fantastic Resurrection weekend. Give God some LOVE.
Sending you a hug and LOVE,
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