Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Happy Tuesday, June 9, 2020.
I'm still practicing safety when I go out.  I'm still keeping my distance when I go out.  Even some stores and other businesses have opened, I'm still staying away.  I don't need craft supplies or clothing therefore my only purchase has been groceries.  If we go at a certain time of day, we can avoid large crowds.
How are you doing?  Really,  how are you doing, mentally, physically, and psychologically?
If the statement was a fill in the blank statement beginning with the word "Today, how would you finish it?
Today ________.
Today _____.

I've made two cards using the word "Today".  Thinking in terms of overall self and what God has done and is doing...Today is a gift.  Enjoy it!.
Thinking about the unrest going on in our neighborhood and across the globe...Today is full of possibilities.
I'm also sharing some cards that made it to Instagram but not here until today.
View and enjoy!
view this at

Continue to be good and do good for others and yourself.  Please come again and enjoy the remainder of your day.

Sending you a hug and love,

1 comment:

Treva said...

More great inspiration and cards, I really like the You Rock card!