Monday, January 4, 2021


 Hello, hello to all the lovely people.

It has been a moment since I last connected with you.  I've missed the communication and the love of showing you my crafting projects.  Well, today is a new year and I'm still here by the grace of God.

If you know me really, really well, then you know I don't make resolutions.  I would either choose a word or a positive statement for the year.  Last year was the word "bloom".  This year's word is "RESILIENCE".  Here is the definitions: the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness or, the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity.  I'm going to need encouragement, courage, prayers and support in this year just like I needed it in 2020.  Stay with me!  Pray with and for me!  Love me from afar and continue your support.  I'm going to need it this year.

Here is my first card for 2021 and how I envision (imagine as a future possibility; visualize) what my year will entail (have as a logically necessary consequence).

I'm going to add this card to Instagram, WordArtWednesday and Facebook.
Also, I'm getting some cards together for the next big event, Valentine's Day.  This is card #1 or the first card for that category.

Please continue to support me and my creations this year. 

Sending you a hug and love,


Beebeebabs said...

Beautiful work as always!!!

Treva said...

Happy New Year, glad to see you sharing on your blog! What fun and beautiful creations you have shared. Loving that first card, is that a digital or traditional stamp? Take care.