Tuesday, February 2, 2021

"God Has Already Prepared Me For This Fight"

 Good Tuesday, February 2, 2021.

I'm thankful you are with me today.  Praying that everything is okay with you and whatever endeavors you are involved with.  There is always a goal that we are trying to accomplish.  Sometimes it works out and other times it doesn't...but don't give up.

You may think the topic I've chosen today is a strange one but it is not.  It is the title I heard on Sunday from the Pastor of our church.  I have been concentrating on this statement since then and I feel that it was for me and I shall embrace it.  There are things (physical, mental, financial, spiritual) that happens to us and sometimes we may throw up our hands and say "why me".  Well, why not you or why not myself.  God has already prepared you/me for what happens in your/our life.  You may not be aware of it when you are going through what you're going through.  There are times when we  think our looks, personality, education and income should protect us from certain crisis but darlings, they don't.  This pandemic we are having hasn't prevent any of those things in our lives to stop us from getting COVID.  These things in our lives haven't prevented us from getting sick or having a deadly disease that will take us out of this world.  No matter the situation, we will be able to endure and  withstand the challenge because God has already prepared us for the fight.  Greater is HE that is in you than he that is in the world.  The enemy is not as big as it seems!!!

Crafty things I have worked on since my last post:

I like to play with different dolls.  I used pieces from Dyan Reaveley.

This is the most recent creation.  I am submitting this one to https://www.wordartwednesday.blogspot.com
Here, I use a Tattered Lace flower die
This was my first cube card.

Thanks for stopping by.  Please come again.

1 comment:

Treva said...

Really cute cards, especially like the doll and cube card!