Friday, July 17, 2020


Happy Friday to all my crafting friends, followers and visitors.
Wow!  God has been very good to all of us in allowing us to see this day.  So many of our friends, family and neighbors are succumbing to Covid 19.  It is just grace and mercy from God that we are still alive and can make a difference in someone's life.
Cheers to you for visiting and  viewing this blog today.  It's a pleasure to have you as a friend or as a follower or as someone who by chance saw this blog and wanted to know what it is all about.
One thing I want you to do today and that is to view some of the people on Instagram that are featured in "Pass The Brush".  Inclusion and Acceptance is a focal issue for people of color and all ethnic groups.  I've written to two companies expressing my desire to see more products depicting a variety of people.  If we are to be in this together, change has to take place.  If particular companies do not want to produce products showing different ethnic groups, then it is my choice not to shop with them.  Cheers To You and I shall move on.  No pressure, no problem!
For your eyes today, here are cards I've made and shared on Instagram:
an entry for

I stopped counting so I don't know what number goes with this Christmas card.  So let me keep making them for the remainder of July excluding Saturday and Sunday.  This blog is closed on the weekend.

card made with scrap paper before throwing it away.  I'm sending this one off in my "Soldier Box"

card made for Splitcoast Stamper
when I checked this morning, this was not one of the "hot views".   It could be the colors I used.  Comments were directed toward the "cute" snowman in the jar.  I'm thinking about re purposing the image.  To be honest, I don't like the lime green either. 
Have a fantastic, enjoyable weekend.  Stay safe...wear your mask and stand your distance.  I want you around a little while longer.

Sending you a hug and love,

1 comment:

Treva said...

More great cards and inspiration, thank you for sharing.