Friday, July 24, 2020

"Finishing Slimline and Christmas In July"

Happy Friday, July 24, 2020 everyone.
According to the National Calendar, today we celebrate our cousins.  It would take a long list to name each and every one of my cousins.  So, to make things short and sweet...Happy Cousin Day to all my family.  The other celebration is national tequila day.  Since I'm not into drinks of this nature, go ahead and cheer one on while thinking about me.  My card share for all my cousins:

We love because God loves us.  No matter what position or status we are in...we give love.  Thinking about all of you out there and around the world.
 I can never not post what I do for my bible journaling each week.  This week was focusing on the soul.  What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his SOUL.
Restoring the soul: It means that the Psalmist finds refreshment, in the guidance and provision of the Lord who is his shepherd. The refreshing paths in which God guides his sheep are the ‘paths of righteousness’ or ‘right paths’ in the sense of one’s life journey. His life is meaningful. He knows that God will always intervene (guide) in a loving and caring way, and this gives him much comfort and restful peace.
an entry for

Okay, my people, I've decided as of today, these are the last two cards for Christmas in July.  I will start making more Christmas cards around October and November.  I've also enjoyed making the slim line cards during this week.  I have one more that I have not posted and probably will not.  All will be placed in the box that I send to the soldiers.
Again, all of these were posted to my Instagram account.

Have an enjoyable weekend .  Continue to be safe and social distance yourself.  Come again to the card party next week (lol).

Sending you a hug and love,

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