Wednesday, April 28, 2021

"Wednesday's Wonders"

 Happy, happy Wednesday, April 28, 2021.  

What a beautiful day and weather to get outside to enjoy and go for a walk or have a picnic in the park. Spring has sprung in my neighborhood for this week.  Temps are in the eighties.  So,  take this opportunity to get in some sunshine and keep your nose covered due to the high pollen count.  I hope you've had your vaccine(s) shots.  We've had ours and can give a sigh of relief until will get  a booster shot six months from now.  My question, if you care to answer...will we have to get a vaccine shot every six months or are we really immune from Covid?   I believe this would be the same question we ask ourselves every year when flu vaccines are pumped into our arms. The government (people and doctors) reported that with the shot(s), we can now go outside without mask.  I will remain on the safe side for a few more months by wearing one of the many that I own.  What about you?   

Wait!  Just before you go outside, take a look at the creations I did for your enjoyment and or inspiration:  

Playing with the ladies at Splitcoaststampers today with their sketch #SC851

If you cannot read what is on the card..."Jazz is something you have to feel something you have to live" ~Ray Brown

Something you can do for today...SMILE.  If you cannot laugh at yourself or something...just smile.  It makes you feel so much better all over...mentally, spiritually and physically. This beauty will be added to
Guess what?  You are you and you are amazing.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  You may not like something I do but I'm still me all by myself.  Forget the DNA part.  I have my own personality, thoughts and actions.  I'm amazing... I'll say that again...I'M  AMAZING!!!

Have some fun today, my family, friends, followers and viewers.  Come again for inspiration .  I don't mind sharing.

Thank you always for your support and kindness,



R's Rue said...

Beautiful 🤩

Gail said...

Stopping by from Word Art Wednesday to say - thank you for dropping off your lovely art at the bi-weekly challenge - it is always a pleasure and honor to have you join in on the challenge - I wish you the best in the draw for a fabulous prize - Have a blessed day - Gail Scott DT WAW

Treva said...


Beautiful cards, great inspiration.

I get my second dose of the vaccine tomorrow and will continue to wear my mask. Take care and continue to be safe.

Ginny Maxam said...

Such a pretty Cheerful card! I love the dimensional effect Thank you for entering in the Word Art Wednesday Challenge. Ginny M, DT

Karen Letchworth said...

Such sweet, pretty cards as always, Lois. You are such a blessing to me, and I thank you again for sharing your art with us at Word Art Wednesday.
Word Art Wednesday