Thursday, February 20, 2020

"Toward The Finish Line For The February Birthdays"

Hello Beautiful People.
Guess what I'm doing and will be doing until "it" happens.   What is the "it" that I'm referring to?
If these weather people who have been reporting the weather in my neighborhood are correct, I should be seeing some "white stuff" falling out of the sky before it gets dark.  What "white stuff" am I referring to?  Well, well, my darlings, it sure isn't foam.  It sure isn't cotton.  It sure isn't paint, chalk, and neither is it the clouds falling out of the sky.  I won't keep you in is SNOW!  Yes, that four letter word that most people don't want to hear or see especially if you have to drive in it.  Okay, I'm excited because every year I just want to see the first snowfall and then I'm satisfied.  If it happens today (just because it has not for my area this year), I will be happy and overwhelmed with "snow joy".  May I call it that...snow joy.    I just may pulled out my snowman dies to make a card for Friday.  Only if I see the snow. 
So many people I know have already celebrated their February birthday.  There are a few more before we end the month on  next Saturday.  A member of our church celebrated her 98th birthday yesterday.  I have a friend whose son will be celebrating his birthday along with my  sister whose birthdays are on the horizon.  If my mom was still alive, she would be celebrating her 100th birthday (RIP mother) on February 25th. 

Here are the cards I made for today.
I used Neenah white; Recollections black; DP from Mintay "Secret Place" for my cardstock.
Prima flowers and TH bouquet flowers were used.
I highlighted some areas with Nuvo woodlawn green drops.
TH skeleton flower dies were used for leaves under the flowers.
This will be seen at 
With a few pages left in my Hunkydory "Floral Wishes card making kit, I used the Rose Window Deco-Large to make this card.  Everything except the Neenah white and the rose floral cardstock came from this kit.  The layering or decoupage really makes a nice fun loving card for someone's birthday.

Thanks for viewing, commenting and reading this blog.  I appreciate you love so much.

Now, I'm sending you a hug and love,


Treva said...

Beautiful flowers, like the card designs

Lisa Landry said...

Both are so beautiful! Great JOB!